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Faculty and Staff Emeritus

Former employees who have made outstanding contributions to student and college success. 

The Emeritus Program 

TCC employees are not automatically granted emeritus status when they retire. They are nominated for the distinction, and each nomination goes through the college governance process before being voted on by the TCC Board of Trustees. According to the policies governing faculty emeritus and classified and exempt staff emeritus, the purpose of the emeritus program is to recognize outstanding service to Tacoma Community College and its students. 

The Board may also vote to recognize Emeritus members of the TCC Foundation Board and Board of Trustees. 

Faculty Emeritus 

Char Gore, Health Information Management and Health Information Technology Professor, Approved 2023

Barbara Peterson, Human Services Professor, Approved 2022

Rick Mahaffeey, Art Professor, Approved 2022

Dr. Linda Duchin, Anthropology Professor, Approved 2018 

Tim R. Keely, Business and Economics Professor,  

Marlene Bosanko, English Professor, Approved 2009

Ingrid Bentzen, Health Information Professor, Approved 2009 

Marion Miller,  Health Information Professor, Approved 2009 

Dr. Chris Gilbert, Business Professor, Approved, 2008 

Staff Emeritus 

Char Gore, Executive Director, Strategic Initiatives, Acting Director for Applied Baccalaureates and Program Development; Interim Associate Dean for Health; Interim Dean for Academic Administration, Approved 2023

Dr. Pamela Transue, TCC President, 1997 - 2014

Dr. Carlton Opgaard, TCC President. Approved Nov. 8, 1990. 

Board Members Emeritus 

Pat Shuman, TCC Foundation Board, 2009 - 2018 

Ed Brooks, TCC Foundation Board, 2007 - 2011

Jennifer Durham, TCC Foundation Board, 2005 - 2011

Dave Edwards, TCC Foundation Board, 2005 - 2011

John Lantz, TCC Foundation Board, 1992 - 2004

Pamela Lewis Bridges, TCC Foudation Board, 1985 - 2008 

Ron Lunceford, TCC Foundation Board, 2002 - 2008

Jeanette Lunceford, TCC Foundation Board, 1996 - 2013

Elvin Vandeburg, TCC Foundation Board, 1997 - 2004


Nominations for Emeritus Status

Interested in nominating an esteemed colleague for emeritus status? Here's what the college governance process looks like:

Faculty Emeritus Nominatioons

A request for emeritus status for a faculty member must be made in writing by a dean to the Provost. The letter of request shall include the faculty member’s qualifications for the title and list the outstanding service areas to the college and students during the faculty member’s tenure at Tacoma Community College. The Provost will take the recommendation to the voting members of the Instructional Council for discussion of endorsement and report the outcome to the President.

Upon recommendation from the President and approval by the Board of Trustees, the faculty member will then be granted “Faculty Emeritus” status. The President will publish the faculty member’s appointment to emeritus status to the campus community.

Staff Emeritus Nominations

A request for emeritus status for an exempt or classified employee must be made in writing to the President of the College. The letter of request shall include the employee’s qualifications for the title and list examples of outstanding service to the college and to students during the employee’s appointment at Tacoma Community College. The President will take the recommendation to the voting members of the College Council for discussion of endorsement and report the outcome to the Board of Trustees.

Upon recommendation from the President and approval by the Board of Trustees, the exempt or classified staff will then be granted “Emeritus” status. The President will publish the employee’s appointment to emeritus status to the campus community.

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